Banbury Evangelical Free Church was founded in 1984, as a Bible-based, Christ-centred congregation seeking to proclaim the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve Christ in every aspect of our lives, both as individuals and together.
We're a congregation made up of all types of people, of different ages and from different backgrounds. We enjoy meeting together because we have experienced the great kindness of God through the 'good news' of Jesus Christ - what the Bible calls 'the gospel'.
Through this good news, we have come to know God as our Father. We believe that, through Jesus Christ, God has truly forgiven us for all the wrong that we have done, and has brought about a lasting change in our lives.
Because of all this, we want to love and serve Jesus Christ in every aspect of our lives.
Banbury is located in north Oxfordshire, on the edge of the Cotswolds. Find out more about what we believe and including our statement of faith. You are most welcome to join us in any of our meetings.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.