As a church we give financial and prayer support to the following missionary organisations:
- The Gaius Trust: supporting gospel work among the indigenous
peoples of Australia. - The Albanian Evangelical Mission: supporting gospel work in Albania and
Kosova. - European Mission Fellowship: with a particular interest in the
work in Spain, Poland and Romania. - London Seminary: which is engaged in the vital work of training
the next generation of church pastors, and we seek to have at least one or two students visit our
church each year for preaching experience. - Middle East Reformed Fellowship: which has a vital ministry to the Middle
East from its headquarters in Cyprus. Our elder David Umpleby and his wife Janet have a long-
standing connection with the International Evangelical Church in Limassol, which is closely
connected to MERF, and visit Cyprus usually annually to assist in the church there. - Open-Air Mission: , whose evangelists perform a vital work in many
towns and cities throughout the UK. Our pastor is Treasurer of the Mission, and we use leaflets
supplied by OAM in our own outreach. - Grace Baptist Mission: for the support of Reuben & Cathy Saywell, who are engaged in church planting work in Santa Maria, Bulacan Province, Philippines.
- Sri Lankan evangelical churches. Our pastor has visited the country twice and is in contact with a number of church leaders there. Donations are routed through a reliable source, and full accounting is given of how the funds are expended.
We also continue to uphold in prayer the work of former BEFC members David & Liz
and their family, who are now serving as missionaries in West Africa.